
After last year's success we couldn't say no to holding this session in 2024 again! A short but steep track awaits you in the north of Slovakia. The pavement is smooth, the grade is 18% and the shuttle bus is ready.

Come chill and burn some thane with us on the 2nd Kysuce session and let's see how many runs we can crank this year!

For the first 25 riders we also include accommodation in the ticket price.

What awaits you:

  • 2 days of freeride
  • short hill with 18% grade
  • bus
  • track secured with hay bales
  • 30-40 runs a day
  • evening chill on a pump track
  • free water on track
  • medical assistance on track

What you'll need:

  • a signed disclaimer about attending the event at your own risk and a signed GDPR agreement

  • attendants under 18 years need a disclaimer and a GDPR agreement signed by their legal guardian

  • If you are accommodated by us please bring a deposit of 20EUR / 500CZK / 100PLN in CASH. This deposit will be returned to you after you check out of the motel at the end of the event.

  • a helmet
  • slide gloves
  • good vibes
